Wednesday, December 17, 2008

IGUNIS by Natuneko4

Another brilliant level by Natuneko4 that's better than AQUA in every way. Beautiful and extremely well designed.
Be sure to complete it to unlock the time trial version.

Level Design: 9
Replay Value: 9
Aesthetics: 10
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 9
Difficulty: 6
Length: 8

Overall Score: 9.6 (not an average)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Operation Beaver Freedom by Muckypops

An absolutely amazing platform level that's a little basic at times but feels very polished and solid. Some great atmosphere and enemy design also. A good all round adventure.

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 8
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 7
Originality: 8
Difficulty: 8
Length: 8

Overall Score 8.6 (not an average)

Mrs Rocket's Robot Factory by LuckyShot

A sequel to one very awesome level I've reviewed before. Full of originality and fun.
Like I said in the video, the author will be off to sea for a while. So leave a nice little surprise for him by hearting the shit out of this level and leaving some comments. : D

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 6
Aesthetics: 7
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 8
Difficulty: 7
Length: 7

Overall Score: 8.3 (not an average)

H.A.T.E. by Voltiare

Insanely awesome level that's split up into 10 section with its very own distinct gameplay styles.
This is a must play. Just check the video!

Level Design: 9
Replay Value: 10
Aesthetics: 10
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 9
Difficulty: 10
Length: 10

Overall Score: 9.7 (not an average)

OVER 9000 PENISES by Cdubb024 (not a real review, lol)

Penises, over 9000 of them.
You won't be able to find this level.. it's unpublished. Haha.
(edit: The video got removed by Youtube... haha it got lots of views before it did though)
(edit2: re-upped to gametrailers, yay)

Level Design: over 9000
Replay Value: over 9000
Aesthetics: over 9000
Fun Factor: over 9000
Originality: over 9000
Difficulty: over 9000
Length: over 9000

Overall Score: over 9000 (not an average)

Forest of Dreams Part 1 by FullGorr

Excellent and quirky level with a lot of really great variety and cool ideas everywhere. This level really felt like a solid mini adventure. Watch the video for more details.

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 7
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 9
Difficulty: 8
Length: 8

Overall Score: 8.7 (not an average)

Dry Imagination by Blobtastic ( LittleBigPlanet Review League Level Review )


- Exploration based level done well!

- Great variety in environments coupled with fantasic design.

- Fun to find everything!!!


- A little bland at times.

- I wanted more!


- Category: Platformer

- Time Completed: 12 minutes

- Difficulty: Easy

- Gameplay: 7 Out of 10 Stars

It's good overall but just too ..careful. The design doesn't feel daring enough to give a good sense of gameplay. It's there but it's just not going to blow you away.
What is great about this level though is the fact that you can really go into any direction you like. You can even walk straight to the finish if you're so eager.
But the point here really is to collect as many points as you can scattered throughout the level in a many of its nooks and crannies.
So if you love levels in which you'll need to explore a LOT then this is your thing, it doesn't get any better than this.

- Aesthetics-Design (Graphics+Sounds): 8 Out of 10 Stars

Beautifully polished level... Everything is just amazing to look at and is very colourful. Think Green Hill Zone in Sonic. There's also plenty of variety as you'll be able to walk on the hills of grass.. venture into the caves or go off into space.
This level is absolutely delicious to look at... There's also plenty of original creations here and there.

- Originality: 7 Out of 10 Stars

At first you'll feel like nothing here is new... or unique. But you're wrong. Never have I seen a level which lets you go any direction at all. There's no real goal other than to explore. This is a good idea and it's executed extremely well. The contraptions are a little bland at times though.. that would be my only complaint in regards to originality.

- Final Score: 8.8 Out of 10 Stars

Possibly the best exploration level I've played yet. I had so much fun to collect every single point... I went back and forth trying to find more and more secrets. They're very well hidden and it just feels great when you find one. Overall this level is also very well polished on every level. You never feel lost, confused or frustrated.
I highly recommend this one!

Friday, December 12, 2008

World of Fabric by Lemm

Amazing level which focuses on core platforming fun... It's not too easy either but there's plenty of variety to keep you busy here. Very well polished level.

Level Design: 9
Replay Value: 8
Aesthetics: 9
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 8
Difficulty: 8
Length: 10

Overall Score: 9.4 (not an average)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Treasure Hunter by Kamashii (Review League)


- Incredible atmosphere and aesthetics. Top notch.

- Varied gameplay and a few surprising traps.

- Wonderful original designs and mechanics.


-So short!!

-Platforming often too basic and flat.


- Category: Themed

- Time Completed: 4 minutes

- Difficulty: Normal

- Gameplay: 7.5 Out of 10 Stars

One of the few downsides of this level when compared to the rest of it.... It feels great going through this level but a little lacking in depth. The jumps are too easy and uninteresting.. traps are often a little too basic. But this isn't always the case. There's plenty of times when you're really impressed with what's going on. This isn't so much to do with gameplay as it's mostly the presentation that carries this level. The gameplay isn't flawed in any way, I just wish for more original obstacles to overcome .. enemies or puzzles. This level is very straightforward.

- Aesthetics-Design (Graphics+Sounds): 9.5 Out of 10 Stars

There's not much else like it in terms of beauty.... Everything in this level looks absolutely amazing. From the general level design to the little touches. The lighting is great, sound matches everything nicely and the atmosphere feels so strong at all times. It's like sex for your eyes.

- Originality: 8 Out of 10 Stars

This is a tough one since in terms of traps or contraptions it's mostly things we've seen before. But there are a few things that will really catch you off guard. On top of that everything looks and feels very original in terms of design in this level. Hopefully that isn't too confusing but you'll just have to check out my video review to see what I mean.

- Final Score: 9 Out of 10 Stars

One of the best levels I've played this week.. it literally blew me away at times. What keeps it from getting a near perfect score is it's length. I don't even really care about the fact that the gameplay falls a little short at times because the level flows so well and feels so polished.

It's not abnormal for levels this beautiful to end rather abruptly. But it's still a shame.

I still highly recommend playing this though as there's nothing else like it.

Pinball by Fishbone0

The most accurate and playable pinball table I've yet seen on LBP. Give this a go and keep your eyes on the author as he said he'll create more tables later down the track.

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 10
Aesthetics: 7
Fun Factor: 9
Originality: 9
Difficulty: 7
Length: n/a

Overall Score: 9.5 (not an average)

I'm Late by MooshyWooshy

A great little puzzle adventure type level in which you must carry your backpack to school. Wonderfully decorated and designed and a blast to play.

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 6
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 7
Originality: 8
Difficulty: 7
Length: 7

Overall Score: 9.1 (not an average)

Fortress Ironside by ZX497

Another great varied level that looks pretty solid and has 4 keys you must unlock to open up the final gate. Every area is different and interesting in its own way.

Level Design: 9
Replay Value: 8
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 9
Originality: 9
Difficulty: 8
Length: 7

Overall Score: 9.5 (not an average)

Afraid of the Dark by Spartan2023

My written reviews will be shorter than what you're used to as I find myself writing what I've already said in the video.
It'll be more along the lines one sentence with a lot of the keywords of what the level is.

Afraid of the Dark is a deep complex puzzle story driven level with incredible length and amazing environments. It's quite morbid at times so beware.
If you report this level for moderation I will rape you with my feet.

Level Design: 9
Replay Value: 7
Aesthetics: 9
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 10
Difficulty: 8
Length: 10

Overall Score: 9.6 (not an average)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Temple of the Wing by Blue-Alloy

Must try level...
Link to the original review by someone else here:

Please do not play or heart by Blastroid

Hilarious level that doesn't want to be played. It looks great and plays pretty well... The only real good factor though is its awesome sense of humour.
If you won't like this level you're kinda dead inside.

Level Design: 7
Replay Value: 3
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 9
Originality: 9
Difficulty: 1
Length: 4

Overall Score: 8.2 (not an average)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Platforming Piers by Cstrfrk

Every time I play this level I feel like I'm playing a kickass platform game on my MegaDrive (Genesis for you Americans out there, lol)... The entire level exists on a very horizontal plane so there's no real vertical exploration or movement.... But it still manages to add secrets and really fun gameplay that feels very fresh.
The gameplay isn't where the sheer awesomeness of this level ends though. Visually it's stunning and the colour palette is really pleasing to the eye.
I highly recommend playing this level. It's short, but sweet.

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 7
Aesthetics: 9
Fun Factor: 7
Originality: 8
Difficulty: 7
Length: 6

Overall Score: 9.4 (not an average)

Major Sackboy's Space Mission by StupidLdiot

This one took me by surprise as it was sent to me by someone on youtube who wanted me to have a look at his level...
This level really showcases the author's ability to create amazing original contraptions and .. well.. things. Everything works really well in this level... a lot of the vehicles perform quite well and there's a few other original ideas here and there.
It's got amazing variety which I absolutely love .. and some cool surprises as well.
My only complaint is that it's a little bland at times and it's not always clear where you're meant to go next (say.. after defeating a boss). It's not a big gripe though.
I recommend playing this right now. It's an all round great looking level that's fun to play.

Level Design: 7
Replay Value: 7
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 7
Originality: 8
Difficulty: 7
Length: 9

Overall Score: 8.4 (not an average)

Happy Holidays Little Big Planet by Esperado

A wonderful happy looking little level with a Christmas theme...
If you're looking for very basic but excellent platforming with plenty of fun point collecting then check this one out.
The level may look a little simple but everything is very well designed and beautiful to boot.
More info is in my video. Watch it!

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 8
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 7
Originality: 6.5
Difficulty: 2
Length: 6

Overall Score: 8.6 (not an average)

Earthquake Evasion by The_Killian

This is my first video review I'm posting for the review league ... you can find the original thread at


-Realistic EarthQuake physics, WOW!

-Multiple paths

-Brilliant atmosphere

-Magnificent variety in gameplay


-Could use more interesting coloured lighting effects


-Category: Platformer/Adventure

-Time Completed: 10

-Prizes?: Yes yes yes. A great souvenir at the end too.

-Difficulty: Medium

-Gameplay: 9 Out of 10 Stars

An absolutely incredible experience in terms of gameplay.

As you start off things seem pretty generic and normal.. You're in a mine then all of a sudden an earthquake hits you. The entire screen shakes like crazy... What's cool about this is that you can't jump the way you're used to since you're bouncing all over the place. This mechanic occurs several times in the level. It's good that it's not ongoing since it's nice to have a break from it now and then. Other than that there's some amazing platforming elements here... Tons of surprises that test your reaction speed and even a minor puzzle.

-Graphics: 7.5 Out of 10 Stars

Fantastic in terms of basic design aesthetic. Everything looks and feels like a mine... with rocks everywhere and man-made things made out of wood. While everything looks good enough I wish it looked even better... The diamonds look a little silly and hard to believe and the lighting is too flat and repetitive. The level could also do with a different colour tone overall (which is 1 press of a button). This is something that can be fixed very easily and isn't a major problem or distraction.

-Sound: 9 Out of 10 Stars

Great! Very convincing and heavy bass rumbling earthquake effect.. and the music was very fitting for what kind of level it is. Sound effects are sparse but effective enough.

-Originality: 9 Out of 10 Stars

We've all seen levels that take place in the dusty old mines... but this one adds an amazing twist to it and uses it very well. The earthquake really takes the spotlight in this level even though there are plenty of other fantastic and original ideas that often surprise you.

-Final Score: 9.1 Out of 10 Stars (not an average)

Amazing on every level. It's never too frustrating.. never bores or tires and has good replay value to boot due to its sheer amount of wonderful secrets hiding in many of the mine's crevices. It's got wonderful variety as well in terms of gameplay.. constantly surprises you and never fails to entertain.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Space Station by Heyboova

A very cute and fun but kinda short level. ...
You start off on earth and board a spaceship where things go pretty wrong... It's incredibly fun to play through as you're always finding yourself doing something completely different at every new segment.
The flow in this level is spot on and pretty much perfect. It's just a little too short and basic for my liking but still a blast to play.
Have fun with it!

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 6
Aesthetics: 9
Fun Factor: 7
Originality: 7
Difficulty: 6
Length: 5

Overall Score: 8.6 (not an average)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

cdubb024 double review.

First of all.. a huge thanks to cdubb024 for creating my new banner for the blog. It looks awesome and I love it. I return I went to check out his levels and am glad they don't suck donkey anus.

Review for: Pirate's Booty by cdubb024

Another great level by cdubb024..
What I love about this level is that it almost feels like a separate game. That's how unique and refreshing it feels.
You're a pirate looking for booty! Pretty straightforward right?
Imagine the coolest pirate level you could possibly fathom... This is it, or better. You jump aboard a massive pirate ship and loot all their little treasure chests. There are secrets literally everywhere which really bumps up the replay value for this level by a ton.
Plenty of kickass variety and really fun gameplay to be had too.
I couldn't finish the level in my video due to time constraints.... but let me just tell you that .. Wow.. It finishes with a blast. I won't really spoil it but I can promise you that you won't be disappointed in any way with this level.
Not sure if I mentioned this in my video but my only very minor complaint is that some areas feel a little clunky or cluttered. This is a non issue though so feel free to ignore that comment.
Get off your ass and play this now!!!!!!!!

Level Design: 10
Replay Value: 9
Aesthetics: 10
Fun Factor: 9
Originality: 10
Difficulty: 9
Length: 9

Overall Score: 9.8 (not an average)


Review for: Grampa's IBS by cdubb024

Hilariously hilarious level that's also incredibly well designed and has plenty of originality going for it. It's a little more linear than Pirate's Booty but this is only a minor complaint... Bewarned that the level isn't easy at times as you can see in my video.
Anyway, in this level you'll have to get your grandpa some new undies... it'll be an adventure you'll never forget, haha.
For more details just watch the video..
But yeah, have fun with this one.. I did!

Level Design: 9
Replay Value: 7
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 8
Difficulty: 9
Length: 8

Overall Score: 9.5 (not an average)

Midnight in the Garden by Korghano

One of the most beautiful levels I've seen in a long long time... It's also an absolute wonder to play due to its amazing and organic design. Just sit back.. and watch the video. Then prompt your behind to start moving and boot up your PS3.
It's a little bit short.. but eh, this isn't a big deal since the entire experience feels wonderful.

Level Design: 9
Replay Value: 8
Aesthetics: 10
Fun Factor: 7
Originality: 7
Difficulty: 6
Length: 6

Overall Score: 9.5 (not an average)

Mayan Sane Temple by RenderFX

Ever since I played this level I've wanted to review it....
It's an absolutely amazingly well designed level with a whole ton of cool, unique and original ideas. It's a blast to play and the gameplay switches up constantly.
If I say too much about it I'll ruin the initial surprise. You just need to know that this is one of the best LBP levels out there.
There's nothing I don't like about this level other than the first part(mini maze).

Level Design: 10
Replay Value: 7 (make maze smaller to increase)
Aesthetics: 10
Fun Factor: 9
Originality: 10
Difficulty: 8
Length: 9

Overall Score: 9.8 (not an average)

Allswell Dependence Day by Toharoco

A very very cool unknown level..
This one's action packed.. has a whole lot of variety and a bunch of original ideas and contraptions here and there.
You'll need to kick some alien ass in this level... Like I said in my video, the only complaint I have are the general Alien designs.. they're sloppy and rushed looking (compared to the rest of the level).
But there's too much kickass stuff going on in this one that it's easy to forgive a minor flaw like that.
This feels like a real adventure where you feel satisfied and awesome by the time you've finished the level.
Play it!

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 7
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 7
Difficulty: 7
Length: 7

Overall Score: 8.6 (not an average)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shadow of the Colossus by Rinaldus91

The best Shadow of the Colossus level I've played so far..
This one faithfully portrays the beginning of the game including the first colossus. Everything feels exactly like the original game which I just think is very impressive. On top of that aesthetically this game is gorgeous.. the only thing that looks a little silly is the horse(haha). Even if you don't know the game you'll still be able to appreciate this level.
Play it now!

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 5
Aesthetics: 9
Fun Factor: 6
Originality: 7
Difficulty: 5
Length: 6

Overall Score: 9.0 (not an average)

Toy Story by Slangemannen

A really fun albeit a little short level that's very loyal to the original movie.
Nearly every character from the film is in this level and very beautifully designed also, it all looks so pro. Every area is nicely designed as well and plays well.
It's nothing mind blowing in the gameplay area but still delivers nicely because it never tires or frustrates.
I highly recommend playing this one, you won't regret it.

Level Design: 7
Replay Value: 6
Aesthetics: 9
Fun Factor: 7
Originality: 7
Difficulty: 6
Length: 6

Overall Score: 8.5 (not an average)

Robotnik Rules by DSKEmilio

Hilariously silly level which is actually fun to play. It's just as awesome if not better as his last level which is also based on an old crappy cartoon. Well.. these are more based on the youtube poop videos of those cartoons (which I didn't know when I reviewed his first level).
If you have a sense of humour and like fun and enjoyable levels.. go play this now.

Level Design: 7
Replay Value: 7
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 7
Difficulty: 5
Length: 7

Overall Score: 8.8 (not an average)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Adrenaline Rush by NinjaGuerra

Imagine what a combination of a rollercoaster... nifty platforming and a whole bunch of creepy smiley faces would be like.
Well IMAGINE NO LONGER. Because it's here. Adrenaline Rush.
It's quick, it's fun .. challenging... has lots of variety and is very very lengthy. Quite possibly the longest LBP level I've played yet. But it never really gets too dull or tired. It's non stop action to the maaaxxxx yeah!
But really, that's all this level is.. A whole bunch of cool ideas glued together. Normally this makes a level feel a little disconnected.. And with this one it does feel that way but only a little, this is relieved by the sheer awesomeness of many moments in the level.
If you want to have some great fun.. Then go play this right now.

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 8
Aesthetics: 2
Fun Factor: 9
Originality: 6
Difficulty: 7
Length: 10

Overall Score: 9.1 (not an average)

Monday, December 1, 2008

That is not the way out by Singlefate

Fucked up scary ass level. I suggest not watching the video yet and just giving it a go. I won't spoil anything here.

Level Design: 7
Replay Value: 2
Aesthetics: 7
Fun Factor: 4
Originality: 7
Difficulty: 3
Length: 6

Overall Score: 7.1 (not an average)
Expect a video review on my blog (in sig) within the next few days.:

Count Sackula's Castle by Armitage_Shanks

The best Castlevania inspired level yet.
So this level is obviously loosely based on the Metroidvania titles. There's a lot of different rooms each with their own unique traps or puzzles and themes. Everything is amazingly well designed and this level has some of the best advanced objects or hazards.
There's a picture puzzle which is already amazing.. there's changing portraits... and plenty of other cool innovative ideas.
While the last boss is fairly easy it still feels very satisfying to defeat him due to the way in which you do.
You absolutely must play this right now. No doubt you'll be impressed.

Level Design: 9
Replay Value: 7
Aesthetics: 9
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 8
Difficulty: 6
Length: 7

Overall Score: 9.6 (not an average)

AQUA by Natuneko4

A wonderful and challenging visual experience unlike no other.
The theme here is very consistent throughout.. the level isn't very unique in terms of platforming elements or other ideas but it's a must play just for the visuals and flow alone.
Go play it now.

Level Design: 6
Replay Value: 4
Aesthetics: 9
Fun Factor: 4
Originality: 9
Difficulty: 8
Length: 6

Overall Score: 8.6 (not an average)