Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Space Oddity by RoboDracula

What a cool and stylish level this is. I almost felt like I was on the set of Stanley Kubrick, haha. Really though the colours are consistent with the movie which is fantastic.
In this level you're in a space station where you must ultimately destroy the robot AI.
There are awesome hazards to avoid.. really clever traps, this level is quite original. You even go out into space as an astronaut.. this level has an insane amount of variety.
And it only has something like 10 hearts.
You need to kick yourself in the head if you won't try this one out.

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 7
Aesthetics: 8
Fun Factor: 7
Originality: 8
Difficulty: 9
Length: 9

Overall Score: 9.0 (not an average)

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