Thursday, January 29, 2009

Zorro's Suicide Factory 2 by ZorroTheMighty

The long awaited sequel to the original. Like I stressed in the video, you really should play the first one before this.. simply because they both kick ass. This one really feels like a perfect continuation.. the puzzles aren't much harder but they're very different.
For a very refreshing, original and unique LBP level you must play this.
Have fun an hero'ing

Level Design: 8
Replay Value: 6
Aesthetics: 9
Fun Factor: 8
Originality: 9
Difficulty: 7
Length: 8

Overall Score: 8.9 (not an average)


Unknown said...

so lik get 2 reviwin sum m0ar!

Anonymous said...

Hey there.I love your blog.It's really awesome.I saw on youtube a Level's theme on Silent Hill game.He's really amazing I'm a real fan of Silent Hill and this one ,I thinks, is the best.

Good luck on your blog

-Gros Minou- (Big Cat)

Anonymous said...

Here the link I'm sorry

PoopLooser said...

Hey great reviews, amazing levels.

I've noticed you havn't done one in awhile, any chance we'll be seeing new ones up soon?